Aussie Sydney Business Coach
Jen Harwod
Business Coach of 20+yrs
She walks the talk
Is genuinely interested in seeing you win!
"I'm excited about growing businesses, results and creating genuine leaders!"
Business Coaching
Sales - Growth - Pivots - Leadership
Business Coaching - in person, via skype or on the phone. Jen has been business coaching for 21 years. She has personally worked with over 3,500 businesses and leaders one-on-one in all over the world. Jen's run an award winning business coaching practice for 21 years and has also founded and runs a national award winning retail business (Happy Hair Brush) since January 2018. She's doing business, not just talking about it. Jen's clients success is a result of doing the right thing, consistently over time through accountability, great strategies and persistence. Coaching makes that happen.
Jen's coaching also causes the business leader to completely shift their thinking from reaction to creation. You're trapped in your business if you are always reacting. Jen also ensures the leader surrounds themselves with like-minded and successful people. You cant be a rock star business doing everything yourself. You need a team of people to work with and FOR you. Jen will help you select the right team for you so you don't stuff it up and hire the wrong person so you can finally start to breathe and think again.
Jen knows business and she knows what it takes to ride the waves of change, industry, disruption, personal challenges, health problems and family demands. Her style is direct, empathetic and real. Nothing is ever sugar coated and its all about YOU. How refreshing is that!
E-Com Coach
Get your online business working
Jen started her own e-commerce business with a website and a product. Its not on Amazon, its not on E-Bay, its not a drop shipping business and its not a fancy 'buy my course and learn how' system. In January 2018, Jen found a product that was needed in the market, made it, innovated it, set up a website and started marketing and selling it.
She's grown that business to a massive 7-figure business (and growing) and knows how to start from scratch. How to leverage social media, influencers, manage copy-cats, supply chains, cashflow cycles. She's also grown her business without any paid product Google Advertising and leveraged Facebook and Instagram to the max.
The secret is... bloody hard work and doing the things that will create results. It's also not listing to all the marketing "gurus and geniuses" that are trying to sell you online courses that you'll never complete and make you think you can never do it. Jen's coaching and suggestions come from personal experience and insight.
She also knows how to manage real life commitments, kids, family, pandemics, exhaustion, cashflow and still build a team make a dream become real. If you want to grow your online business, Jen's got the experience and the proven connections to actually help make it happen. Jen will actually show you and give you the tools to do it yourself in an hour or two and you can come back for a top up anytime !
Vision & Goal Setting
Get Clear before you Build
The fundamentals of business are simple.
1. Know where you are going
2. Set the milestones to get there
3. Do the daily tasks to make it happen
4. Master the Mundane tasks
5. Delegate to competent people
6. Review, Learn & Grow
7. Repeat Above
Jen has worked with hundreds of businesses owners to work out what their Vision / Mission and Goals are. Because it’s not always easy to figure this out by yourself nor try to lead the team to follow you either. Jen's with you 100% of the way to help you sort out and articulate your business purpose.
Over the last 20 years, Jen’s developed a very simple one day session (depending on how big your team is, could be only half a day) where you can get all of this sorted out – no kidding. One day is all you need. Ideal for small businesses, professional practices, manufacturers, local government, charities, not-for-profits, and corporate teams. For new projects, pivoting businesses or start-ups.
Get everyone focussed on the core purpose of the organisation and then work together for a common goal.
Great for entrepreneurs and also leaders of teams. Jen's experienced delivering this to one or many.
Who is Jen Harwood?
Entrepreneur, Mother, Adventurer, Award Winner, Community Builder
Adventurer & Traveller
Gearing up to go international
Single Mum of One
Left an abusive marriage with her 3 yr old in 2014
Community Builder
Creating Jobs, opportunity & growth throughs
government grants & programs
What clients say about working with Jen the Jenerator!
Transport Services
Bendigo Airport Service
We were making business decisions without careful planning and in no logical and workable order. Jen steered me in the continuous progress towards the successful completion of our own business plan. She inspired and helped me plan and implement actions for the future, to take advantage of changes and opportunities and guide us to success AND to build a successful platform to cope with our growing business. I really liked Jen’s ‘optimistic’ attitude. She inspires motivation and action in her expertly delivered sessions that are fun and inspirational.
Business Advisor
Craig Potter
"Jen Harwood is at the forefront of speaking and coaching and inspiring others to be their best. I had the privilege of working alongside Jen and witnessing her leadership and passion for creating lasting change with her clients and those she comes into contact with. There are zappers and sappers in life and in business and Jen Harwood is a zapper - someone who makes you confront if you are truly up for the fight and bringing the required energy and positive attitude to the table to make it happen. If you want to make stuff happen in your business, I'd recommend you start with someone like Jen Harwood who has the congruency, the tools and the desire to get it done."
Tourism Sector
Kathryn Mckenzie
Jen Harwood has worked with tourism businesses over the past few years delivering a series of Business Planning workshops. This has involved group workshops and individual business coaching in reviewing business plans with a view to growing their business. The tourism operators involved have welcomed Jen’s energy, leadership, strategic direction and mentoring, bringing real changes to their business practices and bottom line results. She's really created value. Kathryn McKenzie, Tourism Bendigo.
Corporate Legend
Iggy Pintado
A"I’ve found Jen to be one of the most prolific and practical thought leaders and business coaches I have ever had the pleasure to meet. She is in that rare category of business advisers who can explain and express business concepts while possessing the gift of developing practical and implementable programs to make them happen, to achieve results and desired outcomes. Jen continues to inspire others through her messages, her programs and her personality. She is a motivating communicator, value creator and most importantly, a true business champion."
Business Consultant
Clare Fountain
"I have hired Jen as a business coach and worked with her for several years on my business. Jen is someone you can trust to do what she says she will do. She regularly exceeds expectations and makes working with her fun. Her energy and enthusiasm is infectious and is combined with years of experience and a passion for knowledge. If you want to have someone either on your team or to support you and your team I recommend that you use Jen – you will be blown away by the results that she supports you to achieve."
Bendigo Bank
We were looking for someone who could assist our teams with networking and personal development and we finally found Jen Harwood. Jen was someone who was interested in listening to what our needs were first, then went about delivering a tailored sales and communication training program to meet our needs. Jen was very enthusiastic and created excitement in her presentation and brought her professional and personal experiences to the team in a fun and interactive way.
John Sirolli - Bendigo Bank
SB Libris
At SB Libris, we enlisted the help of Jen Harwood in 2007 when the time came to grow our business. Regular meetings with Jen and others from her extensive network of professionals enabled us to set realistic goals and strategically plan our growth. The advice and guidance we received was excellent and the results were beyond our expectations. A highly valuable experience for any small business!
Travel Industry
Sarah Wainright
The coaching I’ve received for my business Eaglehawk Cruise & Travel with Jen Harwood has been invaluable. Not only has it challenged the way I was looking at my business but it’s taken me out of my comfort zone and helped me strive to reach our full potential. I would without hesitation recommend Jen the Jenerator to any business new or established who are looking to take the next step.
Audio Visual
John Power
Around 12 months ago our business was only just ticking along. We had lost a key staff member and I had lost that get up and go attitude that I had in the rest 15 years of trading. Jen Harwood has totally turned this around. The business has a new class image and great future plans. I now love coming to work every day again, thanks to Jen!
Ellery Publications
Our automotive repair manual publishing company is quite unique with only a hand full of
similar publishing companies worldwide. We needed a plan for the future. Jen and her team specifically coached us in planning our marketing and operations strategies as well as looking at a succession plan for the future. I would recommend The Jenerators to any company wishing to forward plan their activities and growth.
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Want to work with Jen or find out more? Send her a message below
The Jenerator! Pty Ltd © 1999 - 2025
Postal Address: PO Box 501, Mosman, NSW, 2088, Australia.
The Jenerator! Pty Ltd is an Aussie owned and run company in Sydney for over 20 years.